It's Day 4 of OverSoyed's 12 Days of Christmas Deals!
1 oz. Mini Spritzers - $3 each
8 oz. Body Spritz - $10 each
Roll On Body Oils - $5 each
2 oz. Dusting Powders - $5 each
All Orders Ship $5 Flat Rate... Orders $50+ Ship FREE!
BONUS DRAWING: One customer during our OverSoyed 12 Days of Deals Event will receive a $200 OverSoyed Gift Certificate. Prize awards on/about December 12th, 2018. No minimum purchase necessary.
Please Note: Those wishing to shop on multiple days may do so and save with combined shipping, however, items ordered cannot be changed on a future sales day to alter daily discounts. Adding to orders may delay shipment, but all orders placed by midnight December 10th will ship to arrive before December 25th.
#OverSoyed #12DaysofChristmas #LastMinuteGifts#ChristmasGifts #ChristmasShopping #Coupon#Sale #Discount #Shopping #Shop #Christmas#Holidays #Organic #Candles #PersonalFragrance#Perfume #Cologne #BodySpray #BathSplash#BodySpritz #RollOnBodyOil #BodyOil#RollOnPerfume #RollOnCologne #BodyPowder#DustingPowder #HandmadeWithLove#FragranceAddict #Handcrafted
12 Days of Deals - Personal Fragrance