Happy National Pound Day!
Save 10% on our Entire Candle, Home Fragrance, and Bath & Body Products Inventory of Pound Cake Inspired Fragrances now through March 5, 2017. No Coupon Required! Fragrances include Lavender Pound Cake (KCN0103), Lemon Pound Cake (KCN0110), and Orange Chiffon Cake (KCN0125).
National Pound Cake Day is annually observed in the United States on March 4th. Pound cake lovers, near and far, can celebrate with a piece (or two) of this delicious rich delight.
The traditional recipe for pound cake makes a cake much larger than most families can consume, as it calls for a pound each of flour, butter, eggs and sugar. Hence the name Pound Cake!
In the United States, sour cream pound cake is a popular variation apart from the traditional pound cake recipe. Other variations include adding vanilla or almond flavoring or dried fruits.
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Happy National Pound Cake Day - Save 10%