OverSoyed Celebrates Black History Month
National Black History Month, also known as National African American History Month, during February is a time for all Americans to celebrate the achievements of African Americans. The month recognizes their central role in American history.

Other countries, including Canada and Great Britain, have also set aside months to honor black history. The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of President Abraham Lincoln and noted civil rights advocate Frederick Douglass. The first record of Africans arriving in North America is dated 1619, when a privateer ship carrying “twenty and odd” Africans landed at Point Comfort, Virginia, which is now modern-day Hampton, Virginia. The Africans were traded as slaves in exchange for provisions.

African-American’s impact our society throughout history and in numerous ways. Join us throughout the month as we recognize the vital role African-Americans in shaping our great nation and the importance of civil and social justice that plays in our future.

Suggested Reading:
- Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X
- Letter From a Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King
- The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
- The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
- Native Son by Richard Wright

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