Ingredient Avena Sativa Extract

Avena sativa is a member of the Poaceae, or “grasses” family. Wild oats (Avena) likely originated in Eurasia and were first cultivated (sativa) in Greece and Rome around 400 BC to 1st century AD. This nutrient-rich, ancient grass is now cultivated throughout the world and valued for its many uses.

While the traditional use of oats in folklore is well-established and has stood the test of time, modern science has documented excellent efficacy as well. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated the benefits of oats and oat derivatives in skin care products.

Avena Oat Extract is derived from the entire oatstraw herb which includes the green stalks, the leaves and the milky grain. Constituents include polysaccharides such as beta glucan, flavonoids, silica, triterpenoid saponins (including avenacosides), and phenolic compounds (avenanthramides).

It's used for its anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and soothing properties on the skin and may ease a variety of skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, acne and dry, itchy skin. Oat bran is a good source of B complex vitamins, vitamin E, protein, fat, and minerals. Additionally, it is rich in beta-glucan which is heart-healthy soluble fiber in particular.